Who are you?
My questions about you are perhaps my “dark night of the soul,” a time when I am reaching out beyond where I was to see what we can be and do. So I feel like I am reaching into the dark, yet this is feeling alone, and the whole reality is likely more. To ask Who are you? is a way to explore you, to say you are more than I know, to say that I want to know you more. So it is good to ask the question as Where are you? and What are you doing? and What are you about? As I ask new questions, I learn more about you. So my dark night is an exploring, a continual finding, more than a seeking. You are then exciting, and my wanderings are not in a desert but in a vast and full and whole universe!
As lover, where do you wish to take me? How shall we intercourse today? What hide and seek, what tickling, what is up? Who are you meeting me within today? What questions are you asking me when I think I am asking you?
:- Doug.

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