Where do Fowler and Buber meet?
To my good friends–
About Fowler’s Stages of Faith: wondering if indeed these could more efficiently and accurately be understood or comprehended as stages of relationship. Where do Buber and Fowler meet? 1. Family that simply is, primal others, no differentiation. 2. Those like us, the start of separation, the forming of It. 3. Groups within which I operate, a collective of Its. 4. Self chosen norms and insights, or rejected ones, groups which cohere to that, feed that, a full It-ness. 5. Ideas and symbols rejoined, mystery, re-enchantment, touching other groups, the beginnings of Thou-ness. 6. Love become oneness, identification with the species, love of being, Thou experienced as united with one’s self. 7. (ddg addition from current thinking:) Service, love in action, love lived, seeing the other as one to meet, to interact with, to turn to, to change me. I like that. It is important in the growth of my understanding and growth.
:- Doug.

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