What of emergence? Emergence is simply the work of meeting. We meet. You give up something (shields and holding back, mainly)….
What of emergence? Emergence is simply the work of meeting. We meet. You give up something (shields and holding back, mainly) of yourself, I something of me. We each are enlivened by meeting: that is, we are each changed and there arises something which is beyond us: a being if you will between, and this seems magic. It was inchoate in each of us, as if we had meeting tentacles with pods on the ends, and they became whole only when connected with another person’s pods. So it is something we almost bring to the meeting. It is something we find, create, face in meeting: it is a third entity between. So it is something which carries us out on the wings of that relating. There is something there, something going on. It is not so much noun as verb, not so much thing as movement.
:- Doug.

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