Throw in the ash can our school system….
Throw it in the ash can! Our school system: pretty much all of it! Finally put my finger on why. Conformity: that’s what the Industrial Revolution needed. So that’s what we teach. Desks in a row. Authority up front. Everybody gets the same facts and information. Poured in. Bolted down. “We” (who know) are doing to “them” (a mass of Its). As if learning were a product of teaching! (Little wonder then that teachers are so ill paid, and administrators abound. Teachers have their own “teachers” who control what they teach, how they are paid.) Let’s replace it with an education system. Let’s lead people out. Let’s encourage them to invent: to create their own world. (We will never go where they must). Let’s encourage students to find their own answers. Especially their own questions. Help them figure out which answers and questions they can trust. Encourage individuals to work together. Let us open space for new worlds. Let us get out of their way. They can go beyond where we have. Let us free. Let us invite. Let us make whole. It is holy work.
:- Doug.

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