The implicate order, the holomovement, and our meetings
To my good friends–
Read an evocative piece this morning in Bohm and Peat’s Science, Order, and Creativity:
In essence, however, the main point of the implicate order is to turn this approach upside down, and to regard the implicate order as fundamental, while the explicate order is then understood as having unfolded from the implicate order.
This has been illustrated through the analogies of the ink droplets and of the hologram. It is possible to combine certain features of both these analogies by imagining a wave that comes to a focus in a small region of space and then disperses. This is followed by another similar wave that focuses in a slightly different position, then by another and another and so on indefinitely until a “track” is formed that resembles the path of a particle. Indeed the particles of physics are more like these dynamic structures, which are always grounded in the whole from which they unfold and into which they enfold, than like little billiard balls that are grounded only in their own localized forms.
It is necessary, however, to go further than this. Up to now particular kinds of entities, such as electrons and neutrons, have been discussed, each of which has its own implicate order. But there may be a further unknown set of entities, each having its implicate order, and beyond this there may be a common implicate order, which goes deeper and deeper without limit and is ultimately unknown. This unknown and undescribable totality will be called the holomovement. It acts as the fundamental ground of all matter. As in the case of the analogy, in which a particle is taken to be a succession of wave pulses, so each object or entity emerges as a relatively stable and constant form out of the holomovement and into the explicate order. This form is sustained by the holomovement, into which it eventually dissolves. Therefore it must be understood primarily through this holomovement. It is clear that the implicate order ultimately prevails, although it is always in an essential relationship with the explicate order.
Wow! G*d the holomovement! Persons as unfolding and enfolding! What I see is this paraphrase:
In essence, however, the main point of the implicate order is to turn this approach upside down, and to regard the implicate order as fundamental, while the explicate order is then understood as having unfolded from the implicate order.
This has been illustrated through the analogies of the ink droplets and of the hologram. It is possible to combine certain features of both these analogies by imagining a person who comes to a focus in a small region of space and then disperses. This is followed by another similar person-wave who focuses in a slightly different position, then by another and another and so on indefinitely until a “track” is formed that resembles the path of a whole person. Indeed the particles of physics are more like these dynamic structures, which are always grounded in the whole from which they unfold and into which they enfold, than like little billiard balls that are grounded only in their own localized forms.
It is necessary, however, to go further than this. Up to now particular persons have been discussed, each of whom has his or her own implicate order. But there may be a further unknown set of person- or spirit-entities, each having its implicate order, and beyond this there may be a common implicate order, which goes deeper and deeper without limit and is ultimately unknown. This unknown and undescribable totality will be called the holomovement, G*d. It acts as the fundamental ground of all matter. As in the case of the analogy, in which a person is taken to be a succession of wave pulses, so each person emerges as a relatively stable and constant form out of the holomovement and into the explicate order. This form is sustained by the holomovement, into which the person eventually dissolves. Therefore persons must be understood primarily through this holomovement. It is clear that the implicate order–what we picture as spirit–ultimately prevails, although it is always in an essential relationship with the explicate order.
So I am struggling with the birth of this concept and seeing how it fits with the creativity I see in Indra’s net, the strands sparking against each other. These strands then are the tracks about which Bohm and Peat speak, and comprise what we name as a person who exists for a number of years. Yet we see the person changing, physically, mentally and a whole many ways. The sparks are the meetings, the places where the tracks change direction. In such changing of directions, persons are tracked, but exist in actuality both in the sparks and in the implicate order. For in reality, when two persons meet, they each are a thousand persons, potential and actual. So there are a thousand-thousand-thousand potential persons who are sparked in each meeting. These persons, when they walk away, are enfolded back into the implicate order to come to the explicate again some other day, or more accurately to be available to come to the explicate order some other day. We live mainly in the explicate order, we think, for this is where our attention is, but in actuality, we live in the implicate order and are unfolding possibles.
If we see this we are about increasing the heard, from the center of the heap. There is a song in this, and I want to work on it. I hear it as honky-tonk and country-western. Can you imagine a deeply spiritual honky-tonk country-western rouser? Increasing the heard means growing it and having larger numbers both, and hopefully more than that. From the center means that the people who think they are leaders need to be enfolded back into the compost so that they too can work again. We could grow the heard, or extend it, swell, amplify. Amplifying the heard. Hmmm….
:- Doug.

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