The groan zone and the good of the group
Chris Corrigan has a post about the groan zone, the place in between seeing the problem (divergence) and coming together with how we will address it (convergence). It is here that chaos looks like bedlam or pandemonium, with no rhythm nor reason.
But it has a rhythm and there is a strange attractor or many, and the tune is always heard.
This is valid description of group process. We do always seem to go from a simple statement of the problem, to seeing a mess—and then we stop.
The good of the group is that it shows the way beyond to imagination. This is the same thing I have noticed about myself, often getting stuck in the other person’s groan zone. This Is a way to see toward imagination. Imagination is the answer, and it comes with hope. This is Meg Wheatley’s I do not know why it is so.
:- Doug.

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