Some holds the keys away from us
There is a paradigm at work, a point of view, which says there is someone who holds the keys and is keeping them from us. Our jailer is ourselves. There is always something we can do: a brow to cool, a load to help carry. It is said by some that when creation was done, God’s light shattered and the shards were spread all over the world. Each creature had or was part of that light. We each, each!, reflect that light, carry that light. It does not take a very big mirror, nor even highly polished, to show the sparkle. So the question is, are we using our light? Are we willing to put it to work? Will we get up off the couch even when we are dog tired and do our part?
Our part is our essence. It is different for each of us. Since we were given life, we were given, as our minimum gift, creativity. We can make something happen. But that does not mean we do it alone. All the others have a piece of that divine light and it will take us working together—wherever two or three of us are gathered—to put that divinity among us to work.
:- Doug.

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