Footprints in the Wind sm # 805
Footprints in the Windsm # 805
It is about questions and listening and hearing. It is about increasing the world’s store of compassion. It is not about measuring sticks and over-filling bellies. It is about curiosity. It is about meeting.
Others are not other. Diversity is increasing the world’s circulation of imagination.
It is not about accomplishment, but about what swirls—what it swirls from and towards, and how it changes the swirlers. It is about circulation and flow and imagination and compassion and hearing and meeting and engaging. It may not even be possible, but it is necessary. It is about being responsible to the world.
It’s about doing what has to be done because it comes from our essence.
Our essence is each other.
So it is not even about the probability of success. This is what people hint at when they say it is not the destination but the journey. Our essence is each other. Imagination, diversity, curiosity, loving, meeting, doing, engaging, conversing: if there is anything excellent, work on these things.
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