Searching each other is difficult
Searching each other is difficult: it is the stuff of the conversation of which I speak. How do we search each other without being searched, having our soul opened, butterflied with a scalpel, displayed on a wall for all to see? It is best done kindly and gently, knowing that the knife we use on the other will be next handed to them; perhaps we’d best use it on our own darkening spots first. So far I speak only of essential fairness; but into what do we cut? Through the muscle, through the bone, to the marrow: what is the essence of us? What decision have we made to be living as we are? What is the core and heart of our living? Is it life or is it deadly? Is it about filling our stomachs or putting rings on our fingers, or is it about some larger world, people beyond our skins? Is it about our own soul’s salvation, or repair of the world? Is it about meeting our own ego’s demands or meeting divinity in our days? With whom is the conversation in our hearts?
:- Doug.

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