Footprints in the Windsm # 2083–Re-hearted with a bite
Footprints in the Windsm # 2083
Listening to Krista Tippett’s On Being podcast on the way, especially back, something touched me, deeply, reminded me. Re-minded. Re-hearted. About the life and death conversations I have hosted. What have you just read, heard? Felt? How have you been touched? This is my Why—to touch this deepest spot-moment in the human, the place where we meet. Here we can meet across centuries, millennia. This person she is interviewing, Bryan Doerries, produces Greek plays, tragedies. And this points to a deeper impossible work: Presenting life and life choices (do you just live-exist, or do you live-alive?); presenting death and death choices (we will die, but to what first?). That’s a stark choice. With depth. A Why with a bite. This is a happy search: for the selfless, timeless place-moment where lives meet and entangle.
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