Please stick with me here…
Flow fractal flow. Self-similar shapes growing ever smaller and larger at the same time, extending the line, extending the shore, reaching out in little ways that are big ways. The tendrils of the koosh ball reaching, touching, reaching: extending, growing the embrace. What holds a koosh ball together is the center. What holds a koosh ball together is what is outside the koosh ball and which wants to be embraced. The waves of light from the sun are pulled out by the gravity of the earth and other planets. Reversal, reversal: is there creativity and truth in you? Beauty? Play, for sure: play can lead to strength and skill and truth and beauty. Play fractal play.
How small can our measuring stick be? The smaller the measuring stick, the larger the interior of what we are measuring. Does the shore line grow larger at the expense of the interior or does the interior expand with the shoreline? What does it matter? It suggests that we too can grow as we take our own measure on the outside. It is now. Our outside is part of us, but not all of us, yet it contains us, or the us contains our outside. Or they are interwoven. What does that matter? Am I stuck in an inlet, not seeing larger?
What does it mean to take our own measure? If we use a finer measure, what would it be? What would be fine enough to pick up our finest features, to see what they are made of and how far they extend? Our finest features are our tendrils reaching, reaching out for each other and for G-d: how to measure them? The distance they cover, the size of the heart they hold, the throbbing, the sobbing, the leaps for joy? The electricity carried along them? Truly, the finer the measure, the farther and further we extend. So if we touch the truly common in us, the very finest in us, we touch each other, the electricity of our lives. This is something people in pioneer societies did not experience in the large quantities of humanity we have available for us today. Yet we are cocooned as much as they, if not more. What about the high society of the 19th century? They certainly had the chance to meet, but did they? Some did, in letters, in speeches, in essays–in individual conversation and in thought. We have a superior opportunity today that our grandmothers and grandfathers did not, to join each other and meet and touch. To expand in ever finer measures. Flow fractal flow. Play fractal play. Touch. Meet.
:- Doug.

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