Footprints in the Windsm # 1754–Or we kill all of us
Footprints in the Windsm # 1754
About the divisions the country is feeling: It is natural there be differences of opinion. We need to recall that there are many more of us now, each with strongly held opinions and even ideologies. Every community of people needs two things: stability and growth. These are opposing needs. If we grow, then things do not stay the same. If things do not stay the same, we are not the same as we were, we risk disappearing. On the other hand, if we do not grow, we fall apart through attrition or lack of fresh blood. So we need both, we need to include both. Beyond weighing one against the other, beyond balancing one with the other, including and honoring each. It is normal, it is healthy, it is necessary.
Here is the thing about those two: we must keep the two conversing. We must keep conversing. It is the only thing that works. Or we kill all of us.
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