No fences!
What is my Why?
Why do I feel the strong pull to get to this work? When I started this quest toward the 300-year grandchild elders, it was with the aim of improving humanicity. The problem with defining “improving” in a way that leaves room for the 300-year grandchild elders to grow in the vectors they choose meant that the definition could not be made: to put a fence around is not possible, nor would it work. Nor would it be helpful, in all likelihood.
So I have in stages come to the point of influencing the growth and flow of humanity, and now mutual influencing. Back to conversation!
Which is surprising to me, I surmise, from the exclamation mark.
So what now is my Why? Does it really need to be static? Should our growth itself grow? How can a conversation across 300 years grow humanity? Or at least both participants?
What can we expect from our efforts to grow humanity? Perhaps they are a nudge that does not move the whole—or is that even possible? Does not a pebble tossed into the sea next to a mammoth ship move the ship in some immeasurable respect? Does not the moon pull the tides on earth?
Expectation is not the point. The point is to engage and to discover and invent what growth may be.
So my Why now? To grow, and to nudge.
:- Doug.

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