If we were edges of somethings…
We are agglomerations of edges. Edges on many sides, since humans have different kinds of sides, nothing squared off, except perhaps some pieces of our minds.
What would it mean to see humans as edges of somethings? Say edges of thoughts, edges of actions, edges of movements? We are certainly collections of many things: thoughts, emotions, animality. And when we meet, we create borders, spaces between, where new laws—habits and adaptations—can arise. If they are good, if they are pleasant, if they attract us, they can keep arising. Each time they arise, they become more substantial, increase in strength.
So we are creating ways for life to emerge, and we can do this consciously, purposely, where before when we could not see it seemed to happen by chance. The new life we now know is in the betweens. It needs borders and good shape and positive space—lots of things which we can use to nourish life.
:- Doug.

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