If we think of living questions and story fields as words to describe the neighborhood in which we move and live, and look for how those questions and fields can be good neighbors, we can increase the life of our world…
If we think of living questions and story fields as words to describe the neighborhood in which we move and live, and look for how those questions and fields can be good neighbors, we can increase the life of our world. If we see the urban or natural neighborhoods as metaphors for these question and field neighborhoods, what then? We begin to see that inserting our own questions and touching the fields by building them up, we are enlivening, we are part of what exists. We meet. We meet the fields, the questions. In this relation we both exist.
What I am looking for words to say is that there is something larger in which we exist. Our being comes forth out of this something larger. It needs us and we need it. It needs us for the life we bring to it by strengthening its life, by teeming within it. So our role is to meet, to live, to add life to all the others and this larger.
This something larger meets us as a field, as questions: faces us, draws us, sends us, asks us.
We are not the centers so much as touching the centers, affecting them. We can bend the forces of the fields, we can concentrate or dissipate them.
:- Doug.

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