The Age of …
What is going on in our day is not the compressed single movement of freedom v. tyranny of the French revolution nor the bread riots of 1800 England; rather we see movements to eliminate all Muslims or all Christians, hatred of minorities, and minorities marching. Great diversity and swirling chaos contribute to our confusion. We choose, if we choose at all, but tentatively. Ours is the Age of Confusion, we lament.
But it is not so; Complexity is its true name. The age demands to meet all of us.
Great diversity and swirling chaos: this is the stuff of prophecy. If we keep on addressing only what presents itself, if we seek merely for underlying causes, we get what we have got: great diversity and swirling chaos. We must go even deeper. We must seek to bring all of our emotions and all of our individually limited reasoning to bear until we get past the groanings where we can bring all of our imaginations to bear. Then we weave the chaos into the service of all.
:- Doug.

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