If we cannot know….
If we cannot know, in which directions do we make our guesses? Where does our branch of humanity and humanicity head, and how might it affect the others? Truth, if that is important, is that we cannot know how it will turn out, and does it matter in the long range scheme of things?
If we cannot know and it might not matter, why do anything? Party for tomorrow we die is equally valid, yes?
But yet. . . .
I want to make lives better. I do not know what that means, and truly what I do may tie them in knots, leave them with problems or conundrums. There will always be puzzles, there they are already every day and these generations will not likely blame us as people say: they will take their conditions as the way the world is, and from here we make the next move. There is no checkmate, just an endless game of endless moves, so the work is not on the end but on moving.
This is the way of turning the unending circles into spirals, into branches. Endless branches and spirals, to better from here. There is not better; but from here to there can be better.
:- Doug.

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