I need you
I need you. I need to listen for your footprints in the wind, look for glimpses of your shadow slipping around the corners of my life, listen for the echoes of your voice, whether in whispers or shouts.
Are you there? Of course. I see a larger you than I used to see. I see an all that is. For me, G-d = all there is. For me, G-d = reality. For me, G-d is to be explored. For me, G-d is exploring. For me, G-d is growing.
If others do not see G-d because they do not like the label, or because of the image others have attached to the word, that is their business. I am not going to try to convince them.
If others do not see a G-d quite as large as what I see, or one who is more grasping than the one I see, that is their business. I will not try to convince them. They may actually be seeing a G-d larger than the one I see, seen from a different point of view.
I will sing my song for myself and those who wish to listen may listen. If the others choose to cover their ears, I will not object, for my voice may actually be off-key or discordant.
I will seek to sing the truth as I know it today. Anything else is not real.
:- Doug.

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