Footprints in the Windsm # 1009: Hallowing the betweens….
Footprints in the Windsm # 1009
This deepest good is not a selfish thing—for one person, nor for a small group. It is for all those we can touch. It is hallowing the betweens. It is honoring the amongs. It is respecting what emerges from together.
Not everything we have that is good and true and beautiful comes from one person. No one person can turn the world, but we can together. No one person can get us to healthy or reduce crime or feed starving homeless people—but together we can.
Together is about farther sight and deeper insight, about hearing more and remembering better, about more hands and fingers and feet, about wider reach and closer degrees of relatedness, about wilder innovation and more practical responsibility. For getting it done, together is beyond one. Maybe because it can be One.
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