G*d: Attending a larger world beyond rescuing us from a mess:
Attending a larger world beyond rescuing us from a mess: if such is G*d’s role then G*d will be seen inviting us on this larger Cosmos to work.
Now I see G*d as continuing to create universes, complexifying, unfolding: How can G*d not create! This means that G*d’s role—and therefore ours—is structure-preserving differentiation and transformation. This means that G*d wants to involve us in the work of the worlds—creating and repairing and making whole. It is a big task! Bigger than simply pulling us out of our messes. Bigger than simply giving us a couch potato existence in an afterlife. G*d puts us to work—now and forever. So what that means is that we have a G*d much bigger than a lovable old man on a big chair. And a Heaven bigger than sitting around eating sweets and singing Alleluias.
We have an active G*d, one who is action itself. Rhythm and Movement and Song are good metaphors, but they only hint at the shadow of the truth. There is so much to do. This might be another name for G*d.
:- Doug.

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