Footprints in the Windsm # 1384–Don’t write new year’s goals
Footprints in the Windsm # 1384
Don’t sit down and write a goal for the new year: zero in on your life’s purpose, and live that. A goal is something you can complete, something you can put a specific date on, and then you can rest. You can check it off. Life is not like that: I will complete my life by June 1, and then I can rest in my grave.
More meaningful would be to get your real work rolling out in the world, continually living it, constantly taking up opportunities and choosing course as you go. For instance, work on getting your message to the world: write an hour a night on your book, talk to new people every week, get speaking engagements. When someone new presents a project, evaluate it on how well it serves your purpose: if it serves in a big way, jump in with both feet!
Let goals serve your larger purpose by helping with the little things along the way. Keep your eye on your true essence.
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