Footprints in the Wind sm # 665
Footprints in the Windsm # 665
What if the people who sought to come here were singers, song writers, ballet dancers, novel writers, doctors, scientists? Would we welcome them? Would we go out of our way to make the way here easier? Would we arrange language lessons and meetings with other creative daring people? Perhaps there are creative daring people among the poor—can we think such a thought? Could they be good for us—all of us? Do they bring a hope and a promise to us when they seek out our hope and promise?Is it then their poverty we seek to exclude? If the cream would elicit our help to contribute, would not the milk? How can we determine who has the larger contribution to be made? By excluding one and welcoming another. Thus we convict ourselves. The more we welcome, the bigger we grow. Thus we acquit ourselves.
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