Footprints in the Windsm # 845
Footprints in the Windsm # 845
A friend wrote me yesterday saying that we write, don’t we, to find out? I write not to teach, nor to simply find myself. I write to find truth and reality and mostly, to find us.
This writing is a larger work, a world work, too.
Now that is interesting. I had been thinking that the work I was doing in these inklings was primarily for me. But no, this teaches me that I am doing a work for the world when I sit to write about larger questions.
So this searching is part of my world work, too.
Someday, someone might read and make the leap. Or perhaps just having set the thought at large in the world is enough for someone to leap.
This is important stuff and important stuff is often world work.
Please pass it on.
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