The city was never within our control
A city is a place growing out of humanity, an organic entity ever finding its own shape. Part of that shape is its government, but that is a late birth. People gather, then they think they should consciously shape their gathering.
We want to control and shape, for why else do we have thumbs? We want to put our mark upon the world, to keep it from getting out of our control.
But it was never within our control.
What we can do is invite, and if we invite what they want invited, then we have a party. The city comes first. The gathering comes first: we want to touch and be touched, for we are not whole until we are with. We think together. We are, together.
This together is sometimes called love. Whatever it is, it attracts us to one another. We are attracted to a human face. This together is perhaps of the essence of the holy.
Together is moving, thronging, milling. Together is creating. Sometimes it creates irritation and anger, sometimes excitement and imagination. Always creating.
:- Doug.

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