Buber’s lessons
What Buber offers as gifts, as Kierkegaard offers, are not free. We have to turn. We have to go out to meet the face. The face of Buber’s Gott, the face of our daily friends and antagonists. We have to go again and again to the narrow ridge between I-It and I-Thou. Are you willing to turn and go back there with me? Buber asks. I ask. Let’s look again at the path to that narrow ridge:
Page 3: “PRIMARY WORDS DO NOT SIGNIFY THINGS, but they intimate relations.
“Primary words do not describe something that might exist independently of them, but being spoken they bring about existence.
“Primary words are spoken from the being.”
Page 75: “THE EXTENDED LINES of RELATIONS meet in the eternal Thou.”
Pages 123-4: “its central significance—namely, the close connexion of the relation to God with the relation to one’s fellow-man.”
:- Doug.

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