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I have a little piece of me,
A piece I’ve hidden deep in me.
Sometimes I take it out at night,
Unwrap it gingerly and look–
I see it is the best of me.
But still I fear to let it grow
And so I wrap it up again
And stash it where no one will know.Today I pulled it out once more
And saw what I had not before:
I saw it was a piece of God.
Alive, it pleaded, as before
“Set me free, be who you are.”All at once I had to choose:
Put it back and die today,
Or take a chance and let it show:
A terrible, awful thing to choose.
If this I share, the world will see
And I might fall, flat on my face.
Yet I would have no peace again
If I did not myself set free.The road less traveled is my own,
And so I keep this piece of me
For you to see, but more than that:
For me to see, for me to see
That God is in each piece of me,
And I must choose, and I must choose.
Douglas D. Germann, Sr. helps people see who they still might be. For permission to reprint fax Doug at 574/291-0024, or e-mail Doug AT FootprintsintheWind.com