Alert the heart of the center
Alert the heart of the center. What is our core? What is our essence? Whom do we want to be? What are our real ideals?
Are our ideals making money? Are they compelling the world to live the way we do? Are they anger and war? Are they arteries with 8 lanes of anger and frustration?
What have we been bringing to the world? Do we know our children? What are we creating?
Is money the solution to everything? If not, why are our day planners full of making money? Empty of evidences of life?
The world is not the enemy for we are the world. We are in charge, and we have done this to ourselves. We can decide if we are on the right track and head in a new direction any time we choose. The question is Do we choose? Will we choose in time? We probably will because we always have. But do we do our best work and have the best futures if we cram for all our tests? What if we really learned and really put what we learned to work?
:- Doug.

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