Footprints in the Windsm # 1348–A life of conversation looks like this:
Footprints in the Windsm # 1348
A life of conversation looks like this:
Grandchildren one on one and in circles. Family gathering. One on one with the family of humankind, whomever we meet out and about. Inviting something deeper in conferences.
Spirit flowing and ebbing among us. Awash we are in conversing. Leaning in. Sharing to the bone: heart deep and spirit high.
Standing in the face of power and stupidity and cupidity. Speaking the truth of love. The greatest of these, the yet more excellent way.
Helping children and parents care for one another. Helping families care for one another. Families gathering through crisis, becoming stronger, deeper. Families gathering. Working through fear of one another to forgiveness, love, gratitude, wholeness, goodbye.
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