a circle larger
How do we ever grasp creation?
It is too much for me!
The many and the One,
the variety of all,
the ongoingness of it,
the consciousness–the knowing withness–of it,
somehow we are knowing with G-d and G-d with us,
–this is all interwoven with G-d,
not just shot through with G-d,
but somehow inextricably intertwined,
dare we think, of one being, of one essence,
just a child in some other way than begetting.
Nothing is foreign,
all is part,
the knowing and unknowing,
the love and the hate,
the caring and the violence,
the angels and the fallen angels,
the light and the dark:
all one,
ultimately inseparable perhaps.
Creation is beyond all our dichotomies and divisions,
a circle larger, farther, father, parent.
:- Doug.

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