Emergence seems to be what is the process at the cusp of I-Thou becoming I-It. This is startling to me….
I stumbled upon something in I and Thou which sheds some light on the process of emergence. Emergence seems to be what is the process at the cusp of I-Thou becoming I-It. This is startling to me, but seems true to what is.
We have met. Our eyes, our hearts, our beings have met. We have birthed an idea, a project. Now we are working together, heart, hand and imagination, on It.
We are seeing what is possible. We are seeing how to take our It to the world, to give It wings.
We must recall that I-It is necessary in the world to get work done. The side of I-It to avoid is the one that says it is the exclusive way to be in the world. I-Thou is the way to be alive.
So we must continually return to I-Thou. We must find ways to move from I-It to I-Thou, to say this primary mutual word with others. To do this, we must meet. We must make occasions to meet.
:- Doug.

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