Maybe I should run for President
Maybe I should run for President. Maybe we all should. We might be heard.
It hit me in the shower: maybe I am the one person in this country who could add some sanity and humanness to the political scene. My model might be the philosopher Václav Havel. But whom do I know, who knows me? It would be an uphill struggle just to get anyone’s attention. Especially without money to buy television time. On the other hand, what does it take to “buy” imagination but imagination? Romance takes many forms.
How? is a stopper. Then? might be a better question. We already know the Why?, so cost, loss, having no visible path are irrelevant. Well?
This is scary. Run screaming. Or silently. Run. Away.
It is not a matter of Can we get there? Ought we go?
:- Doug.

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