Footprints in the Windsm # 1553–Mass migration, fear, anger
Footprints in the Windsm # 1553
Related are the current mass migration of war refugees from Syrian and Afghanistan regions, and the wars there with radical breakaways from Islam, such as ISIS/ISIL and Al-Qaeda. Caught up in this at close range are debates and fears over “illegal” immigration. At a greater remove and still related is the rash of mass murders. Clearly there is anger and its stronger cousin fear at work.
We have a system of quagmires all flowing into one another. Not one is more basic than the rest.
We must work on all at once. Picking out one only (besides the fact it would be impossible to gain a consensus on such a choice) unbalances the system further, causing it to spin even more erratically. No one is in control.
It needs all of us, many actions, little ways and large, strong and gentle, to right the spinning world. Let us belong. Let us work.
Please pass it on.
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