Explorer, reporter, or salesman?
Then I saw that my true gift is in exploring the outer edges of this universe of conversation, finding ways to describe it, and reporting back.
So I am going further, and now and again I find some series of words or diagrams which help us, maybe those of you hundreds of generations from now, take the next steps. I may be more explorer and reporter than salesman. I may be better to concentrate my efforts on more explorations of the fourth or higher dimension, to meditate/contemplate, to read and find correspondences and resonances, to listen, to combine compare and reverse, and then to write poetry, draw diagrams, and explore further. Leave tracks for others to pick up if they will. Invite to the pilgrimage. Explore not outer space, not inner space, rather reality space-time. Explore where no one dares to go because we are not. We are one. Same thing it seems.
:- Doug.

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