Grow, grow the great heart of the people
The prophetic work is not so much to cause grief, but to find and say “Grow, grow” to the great heart of the people.
But the great heart is unknown in our age. Buried, it lies deep and our culture says it lies: it cannot be true. What is true is only the physical, the greed, the evil and stupidity of the human animal.
In point of fact, it is this insistence upon our fallen nature that is the voice of the demonic in our age. What is most authentic in us is our rich goodness. A natural disaster half a world away and what do we do but send aid, go ourselves? Someone is trapped under a burning car, and seven strangers risk life to free that one. Someone says Help and we feel the tug to respond, and do. We visit the ill and the grieving. There is something large in us, and when the towers collapse, we run toward those living beings who need our help. What is needful is not to fight our evil impulse, but to give our attention to getting outside our shells of fear, to touch each other more. Find the great heart of which we are part. Create it anew each day. Put it into practice every day more than before.
This great heart is in each one you meet each day. It is not an individual thing, it is not even a quality of the race. It is a between and among thing. It exists in the threads that connect one person to another. Think you you stop at your skin? Think again. Better yet, observe. Ponder. That which passes through the eyes from babe to mother and back is real.
So inviting the great heart requires not so much finding it or even helping another find it within, but more activating what runs between you, among us all. Where is the great heart of humankind here, now? What is the uncommon common among us? Where is the thread from heart to heart, being to being?
:- Doug.

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