If the economy won’t recover soon….
If we are likely not going to go into the swinging years like we had in the 90s (Oh, but we did not know it then!) and the first 7 or so years of the 00s, then we have to learn to live a new way, or at least this is an opportunity to invite people to converse about a better way to live. What is the work we need to do?
Really, the question is, can we turn our thinking around to working from humanity, and then, if we thought it good, to changing our currency and other accouterments to support that working?
The desired way of thinking it seems to me has these characteristics: attention to humanity; attention to voice over words; meeting (which is a form of attention to voice); long-term thinking (keep the trees, promote life, do good work rather than seek short term profits); putting purpose ahead of profits; bringing capacity and need together; letting be, not controlling, not wanting to control but to open to what might emerge, to welcome it, to seek it out.
:- Doug.
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