You may reprint Doug’s articles…sm
© Copyright 2005, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
You may reprint any articles by Douglas D. Germann, Sr. found on this site. All we ask in return is that you:
- Send us a tear sheet
- Include the short tag at the end, if the author has included one
- Send us an e-mail
mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.comtelling us the publication, date and page number the article appeared in (or post it here so everybody will see!). (If your policy won’t allow you to accept free submissions, then pay us your standard rate. Make checks payable to “Learning Works, Incorporated,” and mail them to P.O. Box 2796, South Bend, IN 4680-2796 USA)
You get broad rights.
- One-time North American Serial rights for hard copy print or electronic publication.
- If you desire more rights, let the author know—we are easy to deal with!
Always something new about conversation and Spirit!
We are adding new articles for you. Our members are also posting articles as the spirit moves them. So please check back.
We are flexible.
- If you need a shorter article, feel free to edit for length, as long as you retain the sense of the piece.
- If you want a series on a subject, call, write, or e-mail mailto:[email protected].
- If you need a longer article, call, write us, or e-mail.
- If you want a different subject, call, write, or e-mail.
If your article is by or about Doug, here is about Doug…
Douglas D. Germann, with community groups to make change happen through conversation. Doug is an attorney, CPA, and an entrepreneur, so he brings a business background to help other social entrepreneurs.
Doug’s latest book is Simplifying our lives: Insights to living fully now, ISBN 0-9665604-1-8, which may be ordered from Amazon, or by sending us an e-mail with your name and address to mailto:Doug AT ($10.97 + Indiana sales tax, if applicable + $3.00 s&h.)
Doug is also co-author of Buying a Business (For Very Little Cash), published by Prentice Hall Press (Simon & Schuster). ISBN 0-13-404880-6. Review copies or excerpts or both available on request. Also available to you by sending us an e-mail with your name and address to mailto:Doug AT ($14.95 + Indiana sales tax, if applicable + $3.00 s&h.) (Hardcover book; $21.95 cover price).
Doug has over 55 years experience with life, and some of it even turned out the way he hoped! Doug is married and has, some days, the two smartest children in the world. His real life’s work is fishing.
What’s the catch?
Nothing. What we’re after is to get our message out to as many people in as many ways as possible.