What help is all this?
What does this help us with in our conversations and meetings?
:- Doug.

Footprints in the Windsm # 2399
No work of poetry is ever fully done. No work of writing. No work of living.
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We say we live in a three-dimensional world. But no! The rocks and sands are one dimension, the creeks and rushing rivers and oceans and winds and clouds, another. The insects flying and crawling and the little bacteria and other life forms—what say they are each another? The sea creatures, the night actives! The planets and loud fiery stars! The star birthing chambers, the black holes, still each another dimension. And you and your eight billion compadres! The plants in your garden and yard, the multitude of little critters on your skin and in your gut. They are each a dimension. How could you be the last, the most, the final dimension?
:- Doug.