Archive for September 19th, 2024

New cast of characters

What variety of people have you encountered in your life so far? Who is your cast of characters today? How is your cast different from five years ago?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on September 19th, 2024 | No Comments »

About failing

It is said playwright Sam Shepard was willing to fail interestingly. I think it would be more fun, more conversational, to fail interestedly.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on September 19th, 2024 | No Comments »

Staring is necessary

Maybe I am not supposed to stare as a writer, but it is necessary.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on September 19th, 2024 | No Comments »

Just get

Just get into that world!

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on September 19th, 2024 | No Comments »

Art you say?

“Art you say?” “Yes.”

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on September 19th, 2024 | No Comments »
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