Magic carpet: arise!
Magic carpet: arise!
Arouse my senses
Music about
Wonderful voices
Fragrances to carry across
Under-sight into prime worlds!
:- Doug.

Magic carpet: arise!
Arouse my senses
Music about
Wonderful voices
Fragrances to carry across
Under-sight into prime worlds!
:- Doug.
The more open we are one with the other, the more we will be rewarded. Our reward? Humanity: discovered; made possible. I wanted to call it possibili-tized.
:- Doug.
To friend is not to be boon only. Death comes. Friction lasts. Pain swims away to surface again in the midst of play. Many are friendship’s endings, many its beginnings—if it were otherwise, the world would have told you—its forests and streams and skies. Transforming is its watchword. Transforming will not always please us. We will need separation. We will need ennui. We will need to allow us our needs. We will need, finally, to get up and move. Some talk needs a walk. Ask Rumi.
:- Doug.