My major mistake
What major mistakes have you made?
:- Doug.

In conversation we find ourselves somewhen else—totally present here and now but also together, larger, and in an intersection with an eternity, a when out of time—now we are in the condition where gods and heroines and titans find themselves.
:- Doug.
Ought we acknowledge the four or seven directions? Probably not because this does not come out of us, this myth does not reside in us. But we can acknowledge our other and who that other person represents. In our times, we don’t have a way to do that—we must invent it. Perhaps better said, we must invest it—with our own spirits, intentions, reality. We are then claiming this place-time as of profound relevance. The question is, can we let these—or some—spiritual principles inform our conversation, our meeting, our relationship? Can we meet Thou to Thou?
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A conversation is an event in life during which the parties feel themselves coming quintessentially alive. Or maybe it just hints to the potential.
:- Doug.
Our conversation is either the event of coming alive, or it is nothing.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2311
If you can hold your conversation in light of the mythological, it will go its way, and you will advance humanity.
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This is about living into the mysteries, puzzlements, and conundrums of conversation.
:- Doug.
The object of our writing, the object of our conversing, should not be expertise, but juicy questions.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2310
The sweet and the savory
the acid the bitter the heat
is this cookery or conversery?
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In writing I say I collect my thoughts. And so I do. Likewise in conversation we both collect the thoughts of the other one and maybe our Third as well. Then again some of it might be thinking (kicking), not thoughts (buried). Thinking is wings not yet dry from the broken-open chrysalis. In writing I pin the butterfly to the paper as it comes out. Usually, later I rearrange the butterflies. In conversation, the butterflies touch us, leave traces.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2309
In conversation, can we feel free enough to be annoyed by our other, and to admit it to him or her?
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