fingers right hand
I put the fingers of my right hand on the back of my left. My left feels the cool. If I work at it, my right feels the warmth, but not as much as the left felt the cool. It seems to be one at a time. I know they each feel the other: but it takes an effort to switch back and forth. And the left feels it more—is it because the cold is sharper, more insistent or more intrusive? Switch hands. The left fingertips are colder than the back of hand. Same difficulty attending two places at once. Fingertips to fingertips: There is cold here, but from which hand is it coming? The palms are warm: which feels which? I rub the palms against each other, and again I cannot identify where the sensation is felt. Is the brain confused? Does it not have a way to choose which pathway to take? Does it have a need to choose? Through my pants leg: the hand, moving, reports the feeling more loudly and more quickly than the leg, receiving. The leg does feel it. Is there a bias? Is this related to our inability to tickle ourselves? The problem is I want to feel each simultaneously.
:- Doug.