Much more to conversation than
There’s much more to conversation than you…
:- Doug.

Footprints in the Windsm # 2298
Our recognition of our losses, our admitting to incompleteness: these reveal our desire to be gods. The same is true of our desire for control. Not being able to control, to be complete, to prevent our losses: we throw these needs upon our God or gods, whether these accept or not. There might be value in finding a way to live with loss, incompleteness, and lack of control, because that may be the way of life.
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Changes are what attracts the eye—any movement for instance. Not just your eyes and mine, but deer and cheetahs and beings with no eyes. We seek out difference. Something—there!—stands out from the background, or we miss it. Therefore our interactions arise to get movement, which is change, which is difference. Therefore there are degrees of difference, differences of differences. Therefore irritation and argument are only more of what we want.
:- Doug.