rainbow cakes spumoni and a whisper
Here’s my picture of what going on in a conversation that carries the participants over a threshold: We expect to get from our presumed starting point to a planned ending point—but we end up elsewhere. So it is more than what may be expected. The friends who are conversing are changed. It is more than math might predict: we go from numbers to rainbow cakes and spumoni ice cream. Here is a change of state, and a felt shift in awareness. In a novel or a movie we expect the heroine at the end to be changed from when she started out. In all seriousness, a conversation ought do the same for the friends taking an active part—is not a conversation at least as serious an undertaking as a novel or movie? There is a factor, or a whisper, that comes unpredictably. Let’s see if we can understand it better, and if we can invite it in more readily.
:- Doug.