Define not
It is good at times to not define terms so as to let them breathe and grow—growing is both a risk and an opening.
:- Doug.

It is good at times to not define terms so as to let them breathe and grow—growing is both a risk and an opening.
:- Doug.
For now, there is more conversation in my world than yours, 1. Conversation gathers worlds, 2. If we choose, we find profound, 3.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2270
Besides what I don’t want: what do I want? Belonging. There is a belonging to one another. Those close to us, and to the human family. It is the issue we are facing from the pandemic and from being separated from one another. We have developed silo-echo syndrome. We talk only in our own heads and listen to only similar tunes. We reject all others, and we fear and therefore hate all others. In truth, we are so composed that we are part of one another. When ripped apart, we are fragments, fringes, torn pieces with raw edges, nerves exposed and scraped, salt added. What we crave must be something deep within us. We want healing of these angry wounds. Scratching them only pulls off the scab, exposing the sore.
The salve, the quieting of the nerve cells, is in turning to one another. Surely we need some festivals and family gatherings. Cook-outs and street musicians, games and funerals and wakes. Hugs and a few more hugs. Gatherings for pizza and beer, or for hot chocolate. Sitting by the pool and reading together.
Surely we need each other.
Please pass it on.
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An advantage for me of seeing conversation so many places as I do is I can learn of conversation from unexpected sources—say from architects or anarchists. Perhaps I do see conversation under every rock—what a delight to be learning so!
:- Doug.