Notice not previously
Notice something you have not previously. Something smaller, larger, different colors, sounds, smells, bolder, softer, hidden.
:- Doug.

Notice something you have not previously. Something smaller, larger, different colors, sounds, smells, bolder, softer, hidden.
:- Doug.
Conversation serves to transfer life. All life transfers. All life converses.
:- Doug.
Last night I slept more refreshingly and longer. I had nothing on my schedule for today. Maybe I’m more sensitive to my state of agitation than I had thought, so my sleeper/waker parts pick up on that.
:- Doug.
Gentle, a white chrysanthemum
a steaming baked potato
a dollop of sour cream
with a row of green chives
to center my eye
and free my softer senses
to waft over the full world
:- Doug.