Its own poem
A conversation is a made thing—its own poem.
:- Doug.

Conversation seems to operate on attention first. That then builds into interest, or it does not. If it does, interest is the still point upon which the wheel of the conversation turns. Here a choice is made, not often conscious: will I continue to pay my limited attention to this subject, or will I withdraw, or try to change the subject? If the interest builds, it turns to hunger: I want to go fully into it, commit my being, for these minutes, to this pursuit. So we have Attention→Interest→Hunger.
:- Doug.
One of us makes an offer of a subject, with our twist, our angle. The other accepts, rejects, or turns it. Will we eat it, ignore it, or sculpt it into something else? It instantly is a tree with infinite sunlight into which to sprout leaves on branches. What direction feels most teeming?
:- Doug.