Not long
Rigor mortis is not long lived.
:- Doug.

People have said after cataract surgery How colorful the world! It seems colorful to me already.
:- Doug.
Can you be two places at once?
in a classroom cavorting among the cloud shapes out the window
in a business meeting doing a role-play
Can you be two times at once?
looking at a picture and being at your wedding years ago
studying your progress in savings and piloting your sailboat in retirement
Can you be two people at once?
while romancing using all your senses to experience your lover’s experiencing
arguing with your teenage daughter and knowing what she is thinking before she does
That you do these is no revelation
To do them kindly, that’s the thing
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2248
That ancient dream
that dream
you start to run
you need to run
your legs are heavy
and in slowest motion
that dream is telling
that you are a thing of moving
your nature is to quickly fly
the daily parts you use
cannot carry you
as poetry
as your imagination
Please pass it on.
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What is my attitude when I think of the alternative in front of me? Am I eager, do I hold back, am I in some other frame of mind?
:- Doug.
close your eyes
and look
close your ears
you can
and inhale
a world
in unnoticed flood
:- Doug.
Dreamy your conversation
Early when your dream awakens you
Lay with it in your arms
Think on your friend
And upcoming conversation
Carry us into a new dream
:- Doug.
Invite a conversation and you will not regret it if you live. (Tip of the hat to Mark Twain in “Taming the Bicycle.”)
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2247
I’m not good at opposing, at standing firm. What then? I am at least better at collaborating. So let’s work on this together, shall we?
Please pass it on.
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accompany the river
stay 20 minutes
watch the river with the river
you already are the river
:- Doug.
Saying “I see you” to another, “Your pain has touched me” says more than the words. It says “The past is past, it can be overcome.” It says “Your past is forgiven,” even “You are forgiven.” Every time you meet truly another, hear them, receive them, you are saying exactly this. This repeats the radical words of Jesus of Nazareth, the words that so enraged the powers of the day. You too might get killed for repeating them. They bring life to the wearied.
Imagine saying “You are forgiven” to your opposing person in a political debate.
There are of course different levels of saying this, different words can be used. We have choice, can be blatant or subtle.
Pay attention today. Just how often do you say “I forgive you” in any of these ways? Just how often do you have the opportunity?
Maybe a major learning of our study of conversation is that we are engaged in forgiving one another. And in that, giving life. Give back to each other a newness of life.
:- Doug.