Humanity’s highest aspirations?
What are humanity’s highest aspirations alive not just today, but in this person in front of you in this very setting?
:- Doug.

What are humanity’s highest aspirations alive not just today, but in this person in front of you in this very setting?
:- Doug.
This way to see conversing is becoming the mainstream. The new generation (today) is the most diverse of any. These people want to include widely because that is their world. The love principle tells them this is the right and just way to meet the world.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2250
when you close your eyes
what the babies may think to be true
the page in front of you and all the words
in equal measure
when the person in front of you blinks
you disappear
and the whole world with you
and this goes on all day long
pop goes the weasel!
Please pass it on.
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