Numb and dumb
Numb is related to dumb—unable to speak. To speak truth. To speak real.
:- Doug.

Saying “I see you” to another, “Your pain has touched me” says more than the words. It says “The past is past, it can be overcome.” It says “Your past is forgiven,” even “You are forgiven.” Every time you meet truly another, hear them, receive them, you are saying exactly this. This repeats the radical words of Jesus of Nazareth, the words that so enraged the powers of the day. You too might get killed for repeating them. They bring life to the wearied.
Imagine saying “You are forgiven” to your opposing person in a political debate.
There are of course different levels of saying this, different words can be used. We have choice, can be blatant or subtle.
Pay attention today. Just how often do you say “I forgive you” in any of these ways? Just how often do you have the opportunity?
Maybe a major learning of our study of conversation is that we are engaged in forgiving one another. And in that, giving life. Give back to each other a newness of life.
:- Doug.
We’re always in the middle muddle: so we have no choice but to proceed without all the data.
:- Doug.