say nothing for a spell
Lets the other in
Secures our relationship
Gathers clarity
Opens stuffy places
—stay with me
—say nothing for a spell
:- Doug.

Lets the other in
Secures our relationship
Gathers clarity
Opens stuffy places
—stay with me
—say nothing for a spell
:- Doug.
It seems my writing needs to come not from thinking, but from living coming through.
:- Doug.
It is possible to feel alone at a church service
It is possible to slap away a comforting hand
It is possible to choose depression as a way of life
This is not the choice
of the Spirit of Creation
:- Doug.
I need some rhythm
rhythm in my writing and it takes me flying
syncopation doing numbers for my taxing duty
respiration in my phoning and conversing
nourishment I’m taking in and nurturing is all about
growing going, out out, larger larger
shh and rest and letting go umm hmm
So I cannot write each day—I must accept my body-soul’s calls—be with people today—tomorrow maybe else
:- Doug.